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Philosophy Statement 


          Music education opens a world of learning for every type of student. A music classroom should be a place of freedom and expression where all students feel welcome. Through music, I wish to make my students learning a healthy, happy, and inclusive experience. I believe in using the philosophies of 21st century skills, ethic of care, using play in the classroom, and growth mindset.


          I believe that learning the skills of 21st Century learning are important so students process the framework required to thrive in today’s fast paced society of technology and communication. The four C's apply directly to music education; music inherently  requires critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Through music, a student’s 21st century skills are developed to help them become a well-rounded student of today’s society.


           I also believe that providing ethic of care for my students should be a priority in the classroom. Ethic of care is caring for and focusing on your students’ basic needs first before teaching higher level skills.  Making ethic of care a priority will aid in improving timelines and teaching knowledge for assessment. I believe that ethic of care creates a positive learning environment where students feel loved and cared for instead of feeling like a number trying to make it through the levels of schooling. With an open and healthy learning environment, students will learn better, enjoy the leaning process more, and overall grow as human beings in my classroom.


           Play helps a child grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially. Using play in the classroom encourages students to move; triggering kinesthetic learning in their brains. Moving allows students to become more engaged in whatever activity is happening in the classroom. Movement also helps with developing concepts of beat and rhythm in music. Using play in the classroom can help students develop socially. Instead of sitting at a desk through the entire lesson the student is up and interacting with other students. Play in the classroom gets students active, involved, and attentive to what they are learning.


          The final component of my philosophy is believing in and teaching growth mindset over fixed mindset. As an educator I think it’s important to ask ourselves if we believe that learning happens through a fixed mindset, defined as believing that we and our students are born with certain skills and will excel in certain areas more than others. Or growth mindset, defined as the idea that intelligence's are not set and that with hard work and effort one can become better at a task. I choose to strongly believe in growth mindset. Growth mindset is not telling students that they are good at certain things or bad at others. Growth mindset is building up students when they struggle with something and encouraging hard work over “natural talent”. This type of encouraging thought helps students grow mentally as people and academic learners. Growth mindset puts everyone in the right environment to learn.

           My philosophy is that music education is important for everyone and provides an open space of learning and growth for all students. 21st century skills help evolve a classroom and prepare students for today’s world. Using ethic of care in a classroom makes a child feel welcome and loved, which leads to overall success in school. Using play in the classroom provides an active learning environment of engagement and socialization. Lastly, teaching growth mindset in the classroom motivates students to work harder and most importantly believe in themselves. Through an environment of caring and encouragement, I plan to see my students grow as learners, musicians, and most importantly people.

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